Let’s Make Some Lists…5 Items to Track in your Planner

Let’s Make Some Lists…5 Items to Track in your Planner

I Need Lists!

I’m all over the place during the day and if  don’t have a list to check things off, they get forgotten.  This is especially true at work and with my older aged brain.  With the fast pace environment and jumping from task to task or sometimes fire to fire, lists can be incredibly handy so tasks aren’t over looked or forgotten.  Here is a list of 5 things I often keep track of in my planner:

  1. Important Dates – this one is kind of obvious, but how fun is it to look down in your planner and see something that puts a smile on your face. I recently got to listen to Rachel Hollis speak at a live event & you bet your britches I was excited to turn my planner page to the week she was in Minnesota to see. Also after having a child later in life, I’ve made it a priority to make sure I’m sending notes and words of encouragement to friends & family on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Take time to appreciate the special people in your life.
  2. Meals for the Week – This is going to big a much talked about topic here on the blog. Meal planning is huge! If can devote a little bit of time to it prior to the start of the week, you have one less thing to worry about. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to have to think about what I’m going to make when I get home, or worry about picking up groceries after work. NO THANKS!! Plan your meals and get back some time for yourself in the evening. I bet you will save yourself some money in the long run too!
  3. Water Intake – Is this my 3rd glass of water or my 4th? Nope it’s only my second. In an effort to really pay attention to my water intake, I keep a tally mark on the last line of the day. Not only is it easy to leave a tally mark each time I grab a glass of water, it is helping me put routines in place of frequent water consumption. Routines are good and our friends. 🙂
  4. Household Chores – I try and spread things out and do a little bit every night, so by the time the weekend rolls around I’m not buried in trying to clean the house.
  5. Bills – This last one isn’t very fun, but it’s a pretty good guarantee you are going to have some. A long time ago in another effort to stream line my life I set up all of our household bills on autopay. That way I’m not trying to remember to mail in a check or long online to pay “X “ bill. When I look at my calendar I can see what bills will be coming out of checking for the week.

In the coming weeks we will dive deeper into each of the categories with dedicated blog posts, and a plan to conquer these areas.

There are many other things you can you can keep track of, this is just a list of what works for me right now. Drop me a note and let me know what you keep track of in your planner. You never know I may feature your ideas here on the blog some day. Cheers to you & happy planning!!